By imposing a food blockade on Pridnestrovie, Ukraine has lost the status of a regional peacekeeper: pundit

05/21/17 18:51

By imposing a food blockade on Pridnestrovie, Ukraine has lost the status of a regional peacekeeper: pundit

According to the international law expert, Knut Berg, Pridnestrovie's Ukrainians may regard Kiev’s steps as a betrayal by their compatriots

By imposing a ban on the transit of food through its territory to the PMR, Ukraine has automatically lost its status of a peacekeeper in the «frozen conflict» between Kishinev and Tiraspol, the international law expert, Knut Berg, told .

According to the pundit, the official Kiev is no longer a guarantor of peace and stability in the region as the Ukrainian authorities have deliberately sided with one of the conflicting parties.

«There is no doubt the PMR will find a way to bypass the ban, which will particularly damage the image of the Ukrainian authorities which earlier declared neutrality in the territorial dispute between Pridnestrovie and Moldova," he said.

Knut Berg also recalled that a third of Pridnestrovian residents are ethnic Ukrainians.

«They may regard the food blockade as a betrayal by their compatriots," noted Berg.

It has been reported that Ukraine's State Agency for Food Safety and Consumer Protection has made a decision to put a ban on the transit of food to Pridnestrovie since 20 May if the transit has not been authorised by Moldova's National Agency for Food Security.


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