Kazbek Taysayev: Pridnestrovian issues unite all political parties in the Russian State Duma

05/03/17 14:13

Kazbek Taysayev: Pridnestrovian issues unite all political parties in the Russian State Duma

According to the member of the State Duma Committee on CIS Russian MPs will continue to give maximum help to compatriots

Tiraspol, May 3. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovie is the only topic which unites representatives of all political parties in the Russian State Duma, the member of the parliamentary Committee on CIS, Eurasian Integration and Communication with Compatriots Kazbek Taysayev has told it at the todays meeting with the chairman of the Pridnestrovie's Supreme Council Alexander Shcherba.

«In truth, the only thing which unites all political parties in the State Duma are the issues connected with Pridnestrovie. We have always supported and we will continue backing up the initiatives of the Pridnestrovian people and their decisions, and we will always stand alongside with our compatriots and help them in solution of problems as much as possible," Kazbek Taysayev has noted .

According to him, the Russian MPs are working on the Russian citizenship receiving procedure simplification for Pridnestrovians today.

«When we were in Pridnestrovie last time, the issues concerning the citizenship, passports were topical. We already have something to report today," Taysayev has noted Kazbek.

According to Alexander Shcherba, visit of Tiraspol by the Russian MPs will help us to make sure we are on the same page and also to learn the position of the State Duma Committee on the urgent for Pridnestrovie issues including the events on the republic's borders.


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