In memory of victims: JCC urges sides to avoid provocations during mourning ceremonies

02/16/17 17:47

In memory of victims: JCC urges sides to avoid provocations during mourning ceremonies

The governing body of the peacekeeping operation has adopted the corresponding resolution

Bendery, 16 February. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Joint Control Commission (JCC) has called on the conflicting sides — Moldova and Pridnestrovie — to avoid provocations during the mourning ceremonies in Dubossary District commemorating the victims of the tragic events that took place in early March 1992.

«This is a very tragic date for us. We suffered heavy losses in battles for our independence. And of course, the mourning ceremonies are being held these days by both sides. The JCC has always made commitments to control the situation to prevent any escalation," Oleg Belyakov said in an interview with journalists.

The JCC also approved Sergey A. Rybakov, who was previously commander of the joint staff of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, as a senior military commander on the part of Russia.


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