President of PMR: we will continue to cherish the Russian soldier

12/22/16 12:09

President of PMR: we will continue to cherish the Russian soldier

Giving an interview to Russky Vopros, President Vadim Krasnoselsky underscored that "everyone who expresses the need for the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from the republic wants to turn Pridnestrovie into a new hot spot"
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Moscow, 22 December. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovie is part of the Russian world. This is claimed by both friends and enemies of the republic, President Krasnoselsky said in on the Russky Vopros TV show.

Responding to the question as to what should be done for the development of the Russo-Pridnestrovian cooperation, the head of state dwelt on the issue of the Russian world. He underscored that «without Russia the development of Pridnestrovie is impossible».

«For ages, we have been part of the Russian world. Its psychology, morality and ethics are such that people of all nationalities feel free there. They can freely speak their mother tongues, profess any religion. The Russian world does not give grounds for the rise of any nationalism," said the Pridnestrovian president.

He recalled that the Russian world came to the Dniester banks in the reign of Catherine II.

«Since then Russia has been present and, I think, will stay here. This is confirmed today. Today Russia has been conducting a successful peacekeeping operation in the region for 24 years already. During this time, no soldier has been killed in the line of duty; no serious conflict has occurred," underscored Vadim Krasnoselsky.

This is because «Pridnestrovie is part of the Russian world», he added.

«If it were any other peacekeeping operation — be it a militarised OSCE mission or police [operation], which is sometimes forced through — it would not be that successful. All who express the need for the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers want to turn Pridnestrovie into a new hot spot. We won't allow it. The PMR is a peace-loving country; we will cherish the Russian soldier, the Russain peacekeeper," stressed the president.

Vadim Krasnoselsky also recalled that Russia is a guarantor of the peacekeeping process in the «5+2» format and provides economic assistance to the republic. Strong ties between the PMR and Russia has been established and are being developed in the sphere of cultural and humanitarian cooperation. All educational standards in Pridnestrovie correspond to Russian standards.

The head of state underscored that he «considers it necessary to integrate the Pridnestrovian economy into the Russian economy, Customs Union and the Eurasian economy.»

«This is our strategy. We do not want to be anyone's spongers; we want to develop together with Russia, offer it our goods, in particular in the sphere of light industry, agriculture and heavy industry. Today we are establishing ties with Russian regions. And the first sign is Voronezh where trade house Pridnestrovie has been opened. It represents our manufacturers," concluded Vadim Krasnoselsky.


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