Migration laws still elaborated in Pridnestrovie

09/06/16 18:20

Migration laws still elaborated in Pridnestrovie

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Tiraspol, September 6. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A scheduled meeting of the working group on preparation of draft laws concerning the order of departure and entrance to PMR and issues of migration regulation has been held in the Supreme Council.

It's important to note that the package of these bills has been passed by the parliament in the first reading. A working group including the representatives of the Supreme Council and the relevant authorities of executive power has been created in order to elaborate a uniform position. The working body has considered about 35 amendments today. Work on the document to be continued.

As the deputy Vitaly Kalin has noted, adoption of these bills is aimed at harmonization of the Pridnestrovian and Russian legislations.

«There is established a concrete list of documents obligatory for presentation at entrance to Pridnestrovie, exclusion mechanisms are discussed, public authorities who will carry out the relevant control are assigned. It is done to simplify the procedure of movement of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship through the Pridnestrovie's border," Kalin has emphasized.