A minute of silence in memory of the victims of Moldova's aggression in 1992 was observed in Pridnestrovie

06/19/16 17:16

A minute of silence in memory of the victims of Moldova's aggression in 1992 was observed in Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, June 19. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In the Pridnestrovie's cities at 16:45, howl of the electrosirens informed on the all-republican minute of silence in memory of the victims of the Moldova's aggression in 1992. In these hours 24 years ago, the Moldavan police and soldiers began to storm the city of Bendery to 'restore' a so-called constitutional order.

During the 30-days' warfare in the city, 489 people died (132 of them — civilians, five — children), 1242 people were wounded, 87 were missing.

About 100 thousand people became refugees. In the city 1280 houses were destroyed and damaged, 19 education and 15 healthcare institutions were ruined, 46 industrial enterprises took heavy damage.


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