All 700 school leavers in this year's database will be able to take Russian USE

05/26/16 18:54

All 700 school leavers in this year's database will be able to take Russian USE

One part of school leavers will take exams in individual subjects on basic days, and the other on reserve days

Tiraspol, 26 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. All the Pridnestrovian school leavers, and not only 300 persons as was earlier announced, who wished to take the Russian Unified State Exam (USE) and who were put into the database will be able to do so. This is what the director of the Centre of Russian Education and Science of PSU, Vitaly Yankovsky.

«On 25 May we held negotiations at the Russian federal testing centre, following which we found an optimal solution to the current situation. All those who applied for taking Russia's USE, 698 persons in number, are able to take exams in the basic period," he said.

The only exceptions are the days for taking Russian language, maths and social science exams. As the majority of school leavers have applied for them, the number of examinees will be restricted on these days.

«We do not have enough room to admit more than 300 persons; therefore, on these days the first 300 school leavers will take exams. The list of their names is available on the website. Those who are not on this list will also take these exams, but on reserve days," Vitaly Yankovsky explained.

Thus, tomorrow, 27 May, all persons applied are invited to take the Russian USE (geography and literature exams).

On 30 May, 6 June and 8 June, 300 school leavers from the list will take Russian language, maths and social science exams, respectively. Those who are not on this list will be able to take USE on reserve days: 22 June (social science), 27 June (Russian language) and 28 June (maths).

Besides, one more day — 30 June — is reserved for all subjects.

The detailed timetable of exams is available on PSU's website.


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