PMR wants to create conversation forum for Pridnestrovian and Russain businessmen

05/16/16 19:35

PMR wants to create conversation forum for Pridnestrovian and Russain businessmen

To achieve this, Pridnestrovian businesspersons will meet the Russian companies which are ready for cooperation

Tiraspol, 16 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Last week the minister of economic development, Dmitry Boltrushko, was on working visit to Moscow. He briefed the prime minister on the results of this trip at today's operational meeting.

The main topic of the negotiations Dmitry Boltrushko conducted with Russia's deputy minister of industry and commerce, Alexander Potapov, was a request by the Elektomash plant, which has faced difficulties when supplying its goods to the Russian market. Because of Russia's import substitution policy, the Pridnestrovian plant has actually found itself excluded from the list of suppliers.

«We saw a complete understanding of the problem. This issue will be settled soon. Besides, we'll further do our best to avoid such situations in other sectors," said Dmitry Boltrushko.

The possibility of creating a conversation forum for Pridnestrovian and Russian businessmen had also been discussed. According to the minister, to do this, Pridnestrovian entrepreneurs will meet those Russian companies whose representatives would like to cooperate with our enterprises. The similar cooperation mechanism, according to him, already exists in relations with Czech and Italian businesspersons.

Dmitry Boltrushko had also met a representative of Moscow's trade and service department. They had discussed a possibility of displaying Pridnestrovian goods at regional fairs. 18 Moscow districts allocate sales premises for selling regional goods. At that stage of negotiations, the sides had considered the possibility of allocating of one of such premises to Pridnestrovian enterprises.

«This may become a good starting point for both the expansion of our cooperation at regional fairs and trade with the regions of the Russian Federation," concluded the ministry of economic development.

He also announced that representatives of the Russian industry and commerce ministry had accepted an invitation to visit the 4th Pridnestrovian Investment Forum and, in turn, had invited our representatives to the international forum Innoprom 2016, which would take place in mid-July in Yekaterinburg. According to the minister, this forum may serve as a good ground for establishing ties and contacts.

The preparation of the government's annual performance report was also discussed at the meeting. As Alevtina Slinchenko said, ministries and agencies have submitted all data to the government and now the adjustment of responses to MPs' questions is under way.


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