Rogozin: Russian Federation takes as a premise the fact that Pridnestrovian authorities will find ways to establish a constructive dialogue

04/14/16 19:55

Rogozin: Russian Federation takes as a premise the fact that Pridnestrovian authorities will find ways to establish a constructive dialogue

Meeting between the Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk and Russian Deputy Prime Minister, President's envoy for Pridnestrovie Dmitry Rogozin was held in Moscow

Tiraspol, 14 April. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A meeting between the Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk and the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, the Russian President's envoy for Pridnestrovie Dmitry Rogozin was held in the House of the Government of the Russian Federation, the assistant to the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Loskutov informed on his Facebook page.

Dmitry Rogozin emphasized at the meeting: «Russian side takes as a premise the fact that in the conditions of unfavorable foreign political and economic environment the executive and legislative authorities of Pridnestrovie will find ways to establish constructive dialogue in favour of the citizens, will focus on solving the priority social and economic tasks and will make efforts for preservation of internal political stability».

«We expect that election campaign beginning in September of this year will be carried out in a correct way and within legal framework providing political legitimacy of election results," it is reported in the statement.


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