Tiraspol, 23 November. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. At the end of December, the economics department of Pridnestrovian State University will mark its 25 years. In today's interview on Radio 1, the head of department, Nikolay Smolensky, said that in these years the department has graduated 3,572 specialists, who successfully work both at domestic enterprises and organisations and abroad. It is worth noting that every fifth graduate earns a diploma with honours.
«For many years we have been employing the system of young specialists assignment. Government-subsidized students are assigned to jobs, and this system has proved efficient. So, in the past years we have slotted from 77% to 92% of our graduates into jobs. This is a very high percentage, taking into account that commercial universities also train economists," said Nikolay Smolensky.
Today, about 800 students study at the department, and almost half of them are government-subsidized students. Unlike their predecessors, they have a two-level system of education: bachelor and master courses. By the way, the first bachelors will graduate this year.
Economics has always attracted Pridnestrovian students. There used to be up to seven applicants for a seat. Today, the demand is not so high, but it is still significant in some fields.
«With three applicants for a seat, 'Accounting, analysis and audit' and 'Finances and credit' remain the department's most popular fields of specialisation. A new speciality 'Economic security' has also become popular this year. It is specially designed for the law enforcement units combating economic crimes. Another speciality 'Taxes and taxation' has been introduced this year following the government's request," said Nikolay Smolensky.
He noted that the department would have a large celebration of its 25th anniversary, including the presentation of anniversary editions and new website, press conferences, etc.