Yevgeny Shevchuk: "They will not make us betray ourselves, our country and Russia!"

10/09/15 21:11

Yevgeny Shevchuk: "They will not make us betray ourselves, our country and Russia!"

The president's address to the people of Pridnestrovie

Dear compatriots! Today I have to state the aggravation of information warfare against our country.

Facts are being distorted, rumours are being spread around. The army of Internet bots are libelling and throwing mud at our country in social networks. This undermines the foundations of our statehood. Therefore, I have taken decision to inform citizens personally and regularly on core issues of the country's life. Today, I'd like to touch upon several important topics that receive the widest coverage in the society.

First. On the activities of the Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund.

I established the non-commercial organisation Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund back in 2009, aiming at laying a solid foundation for Pridnestroive's future in such areas as education, healthcare, reconstruction of cities and villages. All the while Fund programmes have been supported by my associates from Russia. Among them are Arts, Science and Sports Fund, Russian World Fund, Gorchakov Foundation, established by Russia's foreign ministry, and others, to whom I am very much grateful for their support of the people in need.

The Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund is not related to the national budget, not aimed at covering budget costs and social payments.

Voluntary contributions are target investments in concrete social projects. The fund supports the construction and reconstruction of schools and universities, kindergartens and medical institutions; it purchases new equipment, invests in projects for the enhancement of municipal infrastructure, preservation of monuments of culture.

In six years we have invested $12 million in these projects. All this capital remains in Pridnestrovie. If these funds had been allocated for extra pays to pensioners and public sector employees, as some of our «well-wishers» have been advising us to do, in six years each worker and pensioner would have received just 83 cents, or 9.22 roubles. And at the same time, there would be still two-year-long kindergarten queues, schools were going to ruin, children would die at hospitals, our pensioners would be deprived of emergency assistance, and it would be dangerous to walk at night due to increasing criminality.

I want to assure you: the proper use of funds is under control of the Supervisory Board.

Now the Fund is preparing a regular work statement. It will be released at the end of October. Each citizen will be able to learn about all projects of the Fund, which we have realised in six years. I am sure this will put an end to further speculations on this issue.

Now, let me proceed to the Supreme Council.

At last, in the last weeks of their mandate the majority have seen the light, taken a reality check and admitted there are, as it turns, considerable problems in our economy. I want to recall you that since 2012 there have been presidential draft laws, including anti-crisis bills, under the parliament's consideration. These include a Tax Code draft, new anti-monopoly legislation, anti-offshore draft law and other bills aimed at enhancing the economy. They all have not been adequately met. And at the same time, dozens of lobbying bills have been approved. The latest negative precedent is the offshore duty bill aimed at increasing pensions and salaries up to 80%.

After the parliamentary majority had repeatedly rejected the bill, I have introduced it with my direct decree. And from 1 October pensioners and public sector employees receive by 10% more.

The attempts to resume a dialogue with resigning members of the majority look naive amid the following statistics: only five presidential bills have been approved this year. Throughout the period of their mandate MPs have not approved even a half of 200 bills submitted by the president.

If the president's bills had been approved back in 2012, the issue of 30% arrears would not, probably, have emerged.

We need a parliament that will work for the benefit of people and the state rather than oligarchs.

I am calling upon citizens to come to the polls and vote for the future of Pridnestrovie without squandering on trifles.

We have been doing our best to strengthen our state, making efforts to protect our citizens' interests. We are offering a hand to everyone who is ready to work with us for the benefit of our homeland: to work in a constructive line, to fulfil the state's tasks. Consolidating around the country's interests is task number one today.

At the same time, we can see some political forces acting against our statehood. We see the attempts to compromise constitutional public authorities and stir up the political situation. This is especially dangerous as three is a zone of global confrontation along our borders, and political and economic instability is increasing owing to external forces.

Our national idea is the international recognition of the independent Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. And this is only possible through establishing a strong and self-reliant state.

I want to note that, despite certain success, today the country is facing evident political and economic difficulties.

There are attempts to deprive us of our statehood and future. Both domestic and outer enemies of our country have become active. They are manipulating public opinion, trying to undermine the foundations of our economy and independence. This is all due to deliberate acts by our domestic and outer enemies. One of such acts is a new regime of foreign trade activity in EU markets imposed on Pridnestrovian enterprises from 1 January 2016. I consider this 01.01.16 Battle as a part of geopolitical warfare against Pridnestrovie, Russia and its allies, where our defeat may undermine the statehood and personal freedoms of every citizen of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic!

Whichever way this may threaten us, they will not make us betray ourselves, our state, Russia!


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