Russia's Institute of Material Culture studying Middle Stone Age monuments in Pridnestrovie

09/29/15 14:21

Russia's Institute of Material Culture studying Middle Stone Age monuments in Pridnestrovie

The project "Middle Paleolith of Pridnestrovie" will be under way until 2017

The leading researcher of Russia's Institute of Material Culture, Leonid Vishyatskiy, has come to Pridnestrovie to collect data on the most ancient period of Homo Sapiens. The expedition, which includes Russian scientists, performed primary archaeological excavations near Stroyentsy village.

According to Leonid Vishnyatskiy, the project «Middle Paleolith of Pridnestrovie» will be under way until 2017. The project aims at investigating the monuments of the Middle Paleolithic period which covers the period from 150 to 30 thousand years. Near Stroyentsy, on the opposite bank, it is planned to investigate two grottos where, according to researchers, ancient Homo Sapiens lived. Besides, excavations will be performed at an ancient man site near Kitskany village.

«We are looking for geologic outcrops in the Dniester's flood lands, trying to obtain data on the Middle Stone Age chronology. We are going to take samples for spore and pollen, radiocarbon and geochemical analysis and reconstruct the region's paleography.»

The Russian Fund for Fundamental Research has agreed to finance this large scale project. Its final target is to conduct maximum possible research of the Middle Stone Age of Eastern Europe. Archaeological works have already been performed in Bryansk and Volgograd districts, and within the next few years researchers will focus on our region.


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