9 years ago, Pridnestrovie chose its strategic vector of development

09/17/15 14:05

9 years ago, Pridnestrovie chose its strategic vector of development

More than 97% of the republic's population voted for Pridnestrovie's independence and further unification with Russia in the referendum on September 17, 2006

9 years ago, referendum on independence of the republic and on determination of its strategic development vector was held in Pridnestrovie when more than 97% of voters (306 thousand people) supported the independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the further free-will unification of Pridnestrovie and the Russian Federation. As an another option, the question of possible renunciation of the republic's independence and its subsequent entry into structure of the Republic of Moldova was also introduced in the referendum. However, a little more than 3% of participants of a referendum voted for this option. A month later after the plebiscite, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted the legitimation resolution and recommended to the international community to consider results of the Pridnestrovian people's will expression in order to fairly resolve of the Pridnestrovian conflict. Then, the republic's independence was recognized by three Caucasian republics: South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

Eurasian concept

Results of the referendum on September 17, 2006 had to influence policy documents, as well as the Pridnestrovie's foreign policy in general. The concept of the Eurasian integration defined the Pridnestrovie's Foreign Policy Concept as national one became a logical registration of the choice made by the population of a republic. Participation of the republic in the dynamic integration processes in the CIS space, including the Customs Union, EurAsEC, the Eurasian Economic Commission and other integration Eurasian institutes proves that it was one of the key foreign policy aims of Pridnestrovie. In turn, our republic wants to interact with Moldova, being a «display piece» of the European integration process today, on mutually acceptable conditions and in equal political negotiations.

Today, Pridnestrovie aims to promote the economic cooperation with the Eurasian markets. However, this process, due to unfavourable foreign policy conditions, undergo serious difficulties. By the way, they were created in the same 2006 when Moldova supported by the Ukrainian party imposed the blockade of Pridnestrovie.