Maxim Shevchenko: "Moldova goes to Romania, Pridnestrovie – to Russia"

09/15/15 11:20

Maxim Shevchenko: "Moldova goes to Romania, Pridnestrovie – to Russia"

Member of the Russian Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights, journalist Maxim Shevchenko voiced an idea of Moldova-Romania association and annexation of Pridnestrovie to Russia in turn

This information was voiced on the air of the Russian News Service.

«Let's keep it mind that considerable part of Moldovans wants to reunite with Romania. It is the issue which should be discussed attentively and in detail," Shevchenko noted.

According to him, reunion of Crimea and Russia is an example for other European regions.

«I think that such issues should be resolved through a referendum. I was for the reunion of Crimea and Russia, the will of the Crimean people was the same also, and, I, also being in Crimea during the days of those tragic events, talked to a huge number of people, and the Crimeans feel better in Russia than in Ukraine today," the journalist told.

«As to Moldova and its association with Romania — they are a single nation, say it straight, they speak one language. These languages differ in the same way as South Russian, Crimean dialect and Russian. So, if Pridnestrovie becomes an independent and sovereign state, then, maybe, it becomes a part of the Russian Federation (the Pridnestrovians participate in a referendum and become a part of the Russian Federation), Moldova goes to Romania if it continues such course, so why not then? Pridnestrovie can exist like the Kaliningrad Region. Besides, it will improve our relations with the Moldavians and Romanians," Maxim Shevchenko considers.

He also emphasized that «if Moldova unites with Romania, sanctions against the Crimea will be an absurd».

«I consider, the Moldavians should resolve this issue through the referendum; I think it is fine. The Romanian nation was our ally in the Balkan War against Turks, near Plevna; we forget from time to time that not only Russians fell in that war, but Romanians also. They were our brothers in the years of World War I. Yes, they intruded the territory of the Soviet Union, yielded to Hitler's persuasion, to his blackmailing, so the Romanian Nazis made a lot of evil. But in 1944, they wiped out away their guilt because, then, the Romanian army fought on the side of the Soviet Union against Nazi Hungary and Germany, and many hundreds of thousands of Romanians died. So, Romanians are not enemies to us at all, they are the people of the same religion, that is the orthodox people," Shevchenko concluded.


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