President of Pridnestrovie: Efficiency of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation Eurasian Integration is obvious today

09/01/15 12:18

President of Pridnestrovie: Efficiency of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation Eurasian Integration is obvious today

Yevgeny Shevchuk figures on the growth of Pridnestrovie's healthcare standards after the construction of all medical facilities will be complete through the the Russian humanitarian project
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Despite the fact that construction of medical facilities through the Eurasian Integration Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization isn't complete yet, the efficiency of the Russian organisation is obvious in healthcare modernization today, the Pridnestrovie's President considers.

Opening a new building of medical faculty in Tiraspol Yevgeny Shevchuk told that the intensive care equipment provided by Russia to the republic had saved dozens of peoples' lives in Pridnestrovie.

«It is a very important result of work of ANO «Eurasian Integration» at this point," the Head of State declared.

According to him, when the construction of all facilities will be complete, the Pridnestrovie's healthcare will rise at another level of quality. Yevgeny Shevchuk called the projects of the Russian non-сommercial organisation in the healthcare field as real ones aiming to protect Pridnestrovians' health.


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