Farit Mukhametshin asked the Russian Government to increase amount of quotas for university entrants from Pridnestrovie

09/01/15 12:29

Farit Mukhametshin asked the Russian Government to increase amount of quotas for university entrants from Pridnestrovie

It appeared that there were more Pridnestrovians wishing to enter the Russian higher education institutions on the state-funded places, than the amount of quotas
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The Russian Ambassador in Moldova Farit Mukhametshin asked the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to consider a question concerning the increase of entrance quotas to the Russian higher education institutions for Pridnestrovie's youth in the Russian government.

«The day before, we discussed this problem with the Pridnestrovie's President. It appeared that the amount of entrants was several times more than the provided quotas," the Russian ambassador told in the teleconference with Rogozin in the new building of Shevchenko PSU Medical Department today.

According to Farit Mukhametshin, this year more than 360 Pridnestrovians entered Russian higher educational institutions, including those who used quotas provided by the Russian side amount of which annually increases.

«However, many young people haven't succeeded to take state-funded places," the Russian diplomat complained.

At the same time, Dmitry Rogozin emphasized that it was very important that the Pridnestrovie's youth could get high-quality education in Pridnestrovie, and the Pridnestrovie's students studying in Russian higher education institutions, 'had an incentive to return to the republic'.


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