Nikolay Babilunga: "Equality of ethnic group is one of the main factors of Pridnestrovie's political stability"

08/28/15 16:36

Nikolay Babilunga: "Equality of ethnic group is one of the main factors of Pridnestrovie's political stability"

Scientific conference "25 Years of Pridnestrovie's Independence: Challenges and Future" took place In Tiraspol.

International Conference «25 Years of Pridnestrovie's Independence: Challenges and Future» brought together the representatives of scientific and expert communities from the educational and analytical centers of Russia and Pridnestrovie. Main topic of the scientific forum was devoted to the republic's independence in conditions of the changing international relations system.

As the Pridnestrovie's Supreme Council Chairman Mikhail Burla noted in his welcoming speech, Pridnestrovie had chosen an independent political course back in the end of the Soviet period when the so-called policy of autonomous formations had been declared. These formations followed the ground rules of three «S', that is self-sufficiency, self-financing, self-government. At the beginning of the 90th, according to him, Pridnestrovie had all these attributes; about 40% of economy and 16% of population of MSSR were concentrated there.

«After these 25 years we have showed to the whole world that we can create a state conforms to all international standards. We have all attributes of statehood» Mikhail Burla told during conference.

Despite the fact that the republic exists de facto, the recognition problem by the international community still isn’t removed from the agenda. According to this fact an eminent political expert and scientist Ilya Galinsky notes in this regard that the international law underwent considerable deformations in the last 20 years. It is connected, first of all, with the growth of the United States' power, because, today, its interests prevail over the international law becoming something like a toy in hands of the West.

During his speech, Ilya Galinsky reminded about the Pridnestrovie's lost opportunity to achieve an official political status in the early nineties of the XX century. «If the Soviet Union had recognized the Pridnestrovian autonomy in 1990, we would have avoided future political problems and process of the republic's recognition wouldn't be stalled," the scientist emphasized.

At the same time, he noted that, these days, the projects of Pridnestrovie and Moldova federal association couldn't be trusted because the cynical political elite of Moldova further, without any doubt, will terminate the special status of Pridnestrovie.

According to the scientist, general geopolitical situation and unfavourable economic conditions around Pridnestrovie raise a problem of the republic's survival which may be solved with recognition of Pridnestrovie as the legal entity under international law by Russia.

Doctor of historical sciences and deputy director of RISI Tamara Guzenkova spoke about the fact that the Pridnestrovie's independence was under the real threat at conference. She noted that these days the existing system of the international cooperation came to its end.

Tamara Guzenkova agrees with Ilya Galinsky that geopolitical game of the USA destroys the political balance of the world, and it caused the change of political frame. According to her, the world began to lose an archetype of the creative future and obsess about how to solve momentary tasks of consumer society — the upper class society of one billion people, whose interests supersede the equality of human rights.

«In these conditions, the West has become absolutely intolerant to Russia. They mean, Russia has to either surrender, or oppose its new policy against the West," Tamara Guzenkova told during her speech.

The changing world needs new rules of a game in the field of politics, the candidate of historical sciences Prof. Nikolay Babilunga considers. According to him, the principle of individuality should prevail in disputes concerning the self-determination of the people, that is it is necessary to consider the variety of ethnopolitical and historical processes in each separate case.

In this context, Pridnestrovie's independence isn't just economically feasible, but it is also natural according to the ethnopolitical reality. Nikolay Babilunga noted that elements of the Romance, East Slavic and Turkic nations had intermixed in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. This mendley represents a special ethnical and psychological mentality and a unique cultural community now. According to the scientist, this community originates back to an end of the XVIII century, so the equality of ethnic group has evolved in Pridnestrovie by these days, that is one of the main factors of political stability. For this reason, He considers that Moldova's politicians haven't succeeded to impose the domination of one nation over another on the population of Pridnestrovie.


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