Sociology, law, IT are most popular specialities among applicants this year

07/16/15 11:53

Sociology, law, IT are most popular specialities among applicants this year

Entrants have already filed 1,937 applications for 2,549 studying seats available in the forthcoming academic year at T. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University

Traditionally, there is a high demand for budget-funded full-time and correspondence courses with 1,576 young people applying for 1,235 seats available, the PSU press office reports.

With 1,033 seats available on the full-time course of study, entrants have filed 1,327 applications, and 249 applications for correspondence department with 202 studying seats available. At the same time, there are still vacant seats at fee-based courses with 251 applications for 633 seats available.

Among the most popular specialities this year are sociology (4.8 persons per seat), national security legal coverage (3.73 persons per seat), information systems and technologies (3.1 persons per seat), designing of technological machines and complexes (3 persons per seat).

Such courses as information science and computer engineering, operation of transport machines, designing, journalism, linguistics, political science, construction, and management are also of interest.


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