In the course of four years the cadets have majored in three military professions: commander of a motorized infantry platoon, commander of an artillery platoon and deputy commander on educational work.
Now it is high time to prove the obtained knowledge: the cadets are taking final exams in military disciplines. The exams are not held in classrooms, but in the field. The chairman of examination commission is the deputy defence minister, Colonel Igor Dovgulich.
According to the Defence Minister press office, an exam card has four questions. Three of them are theoretical, and the fourth suggests reaching qualifying military standards. Tactics questions are common for cadets of all specialities. Future education officers and motorised infantry commanders have common fire preparation questions.
«Even when I was at school, it was my dream to become an army officer. This is really men's occupation, which is required both at peace and at war," says Sergeant Stanislav Garrido Batsa. Stanislav is going to become a commander of a motorised infantry platoon. He briefly explains his choice: «Motorised infantry is a combined arms profession — it is universal. Infantry, in general, is a base of any army. No matter how much military hardware you have, it is useless without personnel.»
Another day of trial is awaiting the cadets, when they are supposed to show their abilities to solve complex tactical tasks.
And on 15 July the cadets will be solemnly appointed to commission at Tiraspol's Glory Memorial.