DPR to assume offensive if Ukraine unleashes conflict in Pridnestrovie

06/17/15 10:37

DPR to assume offensive if Ukraine unleashes conflict in Pridnestrovie

This is what the minister of foreign affairs of the DPR, Alexander Kofman, said during a press conference

He said that Donetsk's foreign ministry would use diplomatic measures in the event of Ukraine's aggression against Pridnestrovie, although in case of aggravation Kiev would have to expect the reaction from the ministry of defence of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

«We will issue a note of protest on Pridnestrovie's situation, but in case of aggravation I'd rather count not on the DNR foreign ministry, but the ministry of defence. There are many of our brothers in Pridnestrovie, and in case of aggression we will have to help them. I am sure we'll manage to do that. I am also confident, unfortunately, the escalation will occur. History shows one can't avoid the Tskhinval events where Saakashvili is in charge," the portal Ukraine.ru quotes Alexander Kofman as saying.

The diplomat also underscored that Ukraine's authorities are making the Minsk format inappropriate for settling the Donbass conflict. «In my opinion, efforts in this direction are unlikely to succeed as Ukraine is constantly violating the agreements, and it all will lead to nowhere. However, it doesn't mean we must not abide by this format," he clarified.

At the same time, the republic's leadership will prepare for further actions if the Minsk agreements are broken. If the Minsk format is abolished, the DNR will strengthen its actions towards the recognition of the republics, and the corresponding work is already under way, Kofman concluded.