About 35,000 car owners in Pridnestrovie buy MTPL insurance

06/15/15 17:23

About 35,000 car owners in Pridnestrovie buy MTPL insurance

Pridnestrovie's motor third-party liability (MTPL) insurance is valid in Moldova. The first insured accident occurred in Moldova when its authorities accepted an MTPLI policy issued in Pridnestrovie as valid. This is evidenced by the letter from a Moldovan insurance company that asks its Pridnestrovian partners to examine the insured accident.

«Last Friday the first insured accident occurred in Moldova when our driver got into a traffic accident. A Moldovan car was damaged. The driver responsible for the accident said that Moldova's police had shown very adequate and positive reaction. Our colleagues got in contact with us and asked us to take part in damage assessment," said Vladimir Girzhul, director of the Universal Insurance Systems company.

Besides, the company says there have not been confirmed cases so far when holders of Pridnestrovie's MTPL insurance face difficulties of any kind in Moldova. About 35,000 car owners have purchased MTPLI policies for now.

It is recalled that all 14 insurance companies from Moldova have confirmed their readiness to accept MTPLI policies issued in Pridnestrovie.

«As far as we know, there are 14 companies that are entitled to conduct MTPL insurance in Moldova. Accordingly, all of them have signed the agreement. I believe that our mechanism, which provides for mutual cooperation, will be fully operational," said Vladimir Girzhul.