State support to a number of enterprises was discussed in the Government

03/26/15 17:27

State support to a number of enterprises was discussed in the Government

It is referred to «Tirotex», «Moldavizolit» and the «Biokhim» plant in Bendery

Today, the state support is already provided to two enterprises, i.e. the private limited companies «Tiroteks» and «Moldavizolit», in the form of reduced energy tariffs and 50%-reduction of the income tax. To the first one — the sum of about 32 million rubles since April of 2014, to the second one — the sum of 19 million since January of 2014.

The prolongation of this support was discussed at the meeting today. The heads of the enterprises offered a 3-year term, i.e. till December 31 of 2017. «Every month, we observe the shortcoming of the tax revenue needed to provide the social payments, salaries and pensions. Today, there is a 90-million-rubles debt to the pensioners and state employees in the budget. Due to this fact we cannot provide the state support for a long-term period," the Economic Development Minister Alevtina Slinchenko commented on the situation to journalists.

As a result, it was decided to provide the state support to these three enterprises to the total amount of about 60 million rubles from April 1 till December 1, 2015. «The 1st of December was chosen because this date is the end of the fiscal year when we calculate our financial opportunities in the social payments provision," Alevtina Slinchenko told.

She also noted that the Government would analyze the implementation of the state support provision agreement with «Tirotex», «Moldavizolit» and «Biokhim» and will study its prolongation possibility approximately in October.


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