Nina Shtanski met with Matyas Siladi

02/27/15 19:46

Nina Shtanski met with Matyas Siladi

During the meeting, the Pridnestrovie's Foreign Ministry and the Hungary's ambassador in the Republic of Moldova discussed the cooperation in the cultural area

The Foreign Ministry's Press Service reports that Nina Shtanski expressed gratitude to the Hungary's diplomat for the assistance in the development of the cultural cooperation with Pridnestrovie and also told that Pridnestrovians long for a new exhibition of the Hungarian artists.

Besides, the parties touched upon the social and economic situation in the republic. The minister voiced a number of standpoints stated in the President's Message concerning the reasons of extremely difficult economic situation in the state. "Unfortunately, the Pridnestrovie's social and economic situation becomes complicated; these difficulties are growing due to the turbulence around the republic. Under these circumstances, we make a lot of efforts in the dialogue with foreign partners and we look for the ways of the economy improvement," Nina Shtanski noted.

During the meeting, the diplomats exchanged their ideas on the current negotiations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova and also on the bilateral cooperation of the mutual interest.