Pridnestrovie's President: The anti-crisis program should include the concrete proposals reinforced by the certain resources

02/05/15 21:20

Pridnestrovie's President: The anti-crisis program should include the concrete proposals reinforced by the certain resources

The meeting concerning the development of solutions due to the difficult economic situation in the republic was held between the Supreme Council’s Presidium and the Government today

At the meeting’s beginning the economic ministries' heads submitted the detailed analysis of the situation in 2014 and showed the current statistics of January, 2015 (the budget performance of the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund, the macroeconomic and foreign trade turnover performance).

Then, the representatives of the Government and the Supreme Council discussed stratagies which would help to stabilize the situation in Pridnestrovie’s economy in their view.

«The heads of executive authorities were directed to the program development including the concrete proposals and providing the certain resources. Any anti-crisis measures without resource base are simply declarative measures. I wish that there would be less populism in this difficult situation. At the same time, it’s impossible to supply everything, we need the enormous money to do it. Of course, the priorities must be set. The real sources of extra money should be found to sustain both the social infrastructure and the economy and to collect certain reserves. Because the situation is unpredictable in the world markets and the foreign influence on the Pridnestrovie’s economy is much higher, than the Pridnestrovie’s domestic resources," the Head of State Evgeny Shevchuk noted in the meeting’s conclusion.

Both the executive and legislative branches of power already have already developed and submitted a number of proposals for consideration to change the difficult economic situation in the republic. Ther efficiency of these measures still requires observation.

«We have discussed all the today’s proposals with the Supreme Council. They will be complete at the next cooperative meetings. These offers will form the basis of the legal acts and proposals of the Government. First of all, we should search for the internal and external resources seperately. It’s important in such a difficult economic situation to stabilize the industry, the budget and also the macroeconomic performance," the Prime Minister Tatyana Turanskaya explained.

In turn, the Supreme Council’s Chairman Mikhail Burla noted that when the Government would make a proper anti-crisis measures list, the parliament’s task would be «to provide the legal imlementation of these measures».

«If the the decisions or the proposals of the state authorities don’t bring the economic profits, they should be moved to the later terms. Now, we must solve the resource question. Any economic programs following the examples of the EU and the CIS include an important aspect, i.e. the financial resources needed to upsurge the banking system liquidity, to create the opportunities for the working capital replenishment in the industry and the agriculture. This means that we need to accumulate the sum at least proportional to all tax payments urgently in the first half of this year. It’s a global task, and I see that the joint efforts of the government authorities are focused on the search of solutions for the certain questions. We plan that the draft would be finally ready in the next two weeks," the President told.

During the meeting, the representatives of the Government and the Supreme Council mentioned the Moldova’s sanctions towards the Pridnestrovie’s economic agents among the other destabilizing factors influencing the budget replenishment. Besides, the part of these sanctions were supported by Ukraine. It’s also the issue concerning the Moldova’s fumigation certification needed for the transit of the production through Ukraine. According to the agreements of 2014 between the Pridnestrovie’s and Russia’s departments, the Russian Federation today receives the production made and certificated of fumigation in our country. In turn, the Ukrainian party demands only the Moldavian certificates for transit of goods through its territory.

«Certainly, we need to enhance our foreign political efforts in order to make it clear that there is no need to create difficulties during the economically unstable period. Therefore, we will speed up our work and at the foreign range, and we will carry on the negotiations to minimize the negative factors influence on the Pridnestrovie’s economy," the President emphasized.

It is planned to hold the wide hearings on this issue with the state authorities and the large civic organizationsIn the middle of February.


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