The representative of the Pridnsetrovie’s Foreign Affairs Ministry participated in the international forum in Nizhny Novgorod

02/04/15 11:57

The representative of the Pridnsetrovie’s Foreign Affairs Ministry participated in the international forum in Nizhny Novgorod

It was held at the end of January and was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Victory

The MFA’s representative Alexander Gutsul participated in the international youth forum named “The Mission of the Young is to Save the Great Victories’ History!” on the part of our republic. The organizers of the event were the Education Ministry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Regional Historical Museum of the Craft Training Centre, the Foreign Ministry’s Press Service reports.

The delegates from 8 regions of the Russian Federation and from 3 republics of the former Soviet Union took part in the event including the Abkhazian Republic, the Azerbaijan Republic and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, and also more than 300 students attended the event. The organizers noted that the project is aimed to build up and to strengthen the civic patriotism, to preserve the historical memory of generations and the historical consistency. “The project has the public, social and ethnocultural value and this is especially important in a jubilee year of the Great Patriotic War Victory,” the organizers tell in their message.

The rarest artifacts of the Great Patriotic War period, the historical photos, the personal items of the veterans, the results of the scientific and research work were showed to the wide public during two days of the forum. The collection of the participants’ articles was published as a result of the international youth forum. You can find out more about the report and the article of the Pridnestrovie’s representative on the “Eurasian Pridnestrovie” website.