Evgeny Shevchuk met with the leaders of the “Eurasian integration” ANO

02/04/15 16:18

Evgeny Shevchuk met with the leaders of the “Eurasian integration” ANO

Alexander Argunov: “Our task is so much important that we cannot allow ourselves to go wrong and to stop supporting Pridnestrovie”

The Pridnestrovie’s President Evgeny Shevchuk held a meeting with the delegation of the “Eurasian integration” ANO. The Deputy of the Russian State Duma and the Federal Assembly, the Chairman of the “Eurasian integration” ANO board Alexey Zhuravlyov and the ANO’s director Alexander Argunov informed the Head of State on the construction progress of the social facilities.

The “Eurasian integration” ANO representatives reported that every facility is constructed according to the established schedule. Some of them are almost commissioned.

“The “Buburuza” kindergarten of the Republican Moldavian Theoretical Lycee-Complex of D. Kantemir is completed entirely. The preschool institution will be opened in two weeks and it will work full time. The kindergarten is staffed entirely. All five preschool institutions constructed through the Russian non-profit organization will be commissioned in the next 2-3 months. The other facilities – during this year,” - Alexander Argunov told.

The President’s Press Office reported that the “Eurasian integration’s” problems concerning the humanitarian project implementation in Pridnestrovie were discussed during the meeting. One of the ANO’s leaders mentioned the a decline in the Russian ruble relative to dollar.

“The economy is in the difficult situation now. Besides, we face the difficulties in the deliveries to the republic due to the current situation in Ukraine. The contracting organizations working with the republic also face certain difficulties. In addition to the above, the financing of the construction works haven’t been increased,” Alexey Zhuravlyov noted.

The Russian delegation’s representatives marked the special importance of the humanitarian project implemented in Pridnestrovie. “Our task is so much important that we cannot allow ourselves to go wrong and to stop supporting Pridnestrovie,” Alexander Argunov told.

In turn, the President Evgeny Shevchuk thanked the leaders of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Euroasian integration" for the carried-out support to citizens of PMR.

The social and humanitarian program of the “Eurasian integration” ANO includes socially important projects in such areas as the healthcare, the children's pre-primary, primary and higher education. The first stage includes the construction of 12 facilities: the pediatric hospital, the chemotherapy pavilion, two TB dispensaries, the medical faculty, five kindergartens and two high schools; the batching plant has been commissioned at the second stage, also the perinatal center’s construction works have been started.