The Ambassador of the Russian Federation highly appreciated the relationship between the Russian and Pridnestrovian parties

02/03/15 18:22

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation highly appreciated the relationship between the Russian and Pridnestrovian parties

Farit Mukhametshin met with the Young Diplomats Council today in the Pridnestrovie’s MFA

The Deputy Prime Minister on the International Cooperation, the Foreign Affairs Minister Nina Shtanski, the staff of the Pridnestrovie’s MFA and the Russian Embassy also participated in the meeting

Nina Shtanski noted at the beginning of the meeting, she was glad that young diplomats had an opportunity to communicate with the mature high-ranking diplomats and adopt their experience.

Farit Mukhametshin congratulated the attendees on the coming Diplomat’s Day and mentioned that Pridnestrovie and Russia would celebrate it for the first time on the same day this year, i.e. on February 10.

Also, the Russian Ambassador highly appreciated the cooperation level between the Pridnestrovian and the Russian parties: “The relations between the Embassy of the Russian Federation and the Pridnestrovie’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs are very warm, kind and respectful. The parties always help and support each other and have the consensus in many questions.”

Besides, Farit Mukhametshin reminded that 15 cooperation agreements were signed between the Pridnestrovie’s and Russian state authorities at the last year’s end, so exactly this distinguishes the positive character of the Russia-Pridnestrovie relationship.