About 3% of the Pridnestrovie’s residents don't recon themselves in any nationality

01/13/15 15:44

About 3% of the Pridnestrovie’s residents don't recon themselves in any nationality

Many of them call themselves nobody but ‘Pridnestrovians’

Such information was announced by the head of the PSU Regional Research Laboratory Andrey Krivenko at the meeting of the Scientific and Innovative Activities State Evaluation Commission. He told about modern ethnic structure of the republic’s population and its changes in the last 100 years summing up the intermediate research results named as the Complex Economic and Geographic Specification of the Pridnestrovie’s Population in 2012-2016.

It is notable that the representatives of three nationalities, i.e.: Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian one prevailed in our traditionally polyethnic region throughout the whole 20th century, nevertheless the ratio was a bit different, than nowadays. For example, Ukrainians mostly lived in MASSR declared in 1926. Today they prevail only in groups of people older than 55 years. Moldavians prevail in the groups under 20 years old, under 10 years – Russians. “About 3% (this is a rather large number of people) couldn't recon themselves in any nationality. Many of them, especially in the group under 50 years, called themselves nobody but ‘Pridnestrovians’,” Andrey Krivenko told.

He also noted that other 80 ethnic groups populate Pridnestrovie to the equal extent today. In the meantime, the representatives of the Moldavian and Ukrainian nationalities prevail among the country people. The first most often live in the villages located close to the Dniester river, the second – in temperate grassland areas that reflects the distinctive features of our region’s historical colonization. Only two single nationality settlements exist throughout the whole country, i.e. Sloboda-Rashkov village inhabited by a large number of Poles, and Parcani mostly populated by Bulgarians.

As for the confessions, among the respondents the representatives of orthodox belief prevail in the republic. “At the same time, the number of atheists has increased, and a certain group of inhabitants doesn’t specify their religious affiliation,” Andrey Krivenko noted.