Head of state believes Pridnestrovie has enough legal grounds to be recognised

10/02/14 16:08

Head of state believes Pridnestrovie has enough legal grounds to be recognised

As pointed out by Yevgeny Shevchuk during a press conference at MIA Rossiya Segodnya, European colleagues' attitudes towards referendum procedures in Pridnestrovie and, for example, Kosovo or Northern Cyprus are different

"It is curious that one concept is applied to referendum procedures for British citizens in Gibraltar, and quite a different approach is applied to Pridnestrovie. And when compared to Northern Cyprus and Kosovo, the approach to Pridnestrovie is different for some reason. Kosovo has been recognised by some states on the basis that there was war in this territory and certain civilian death toll. I believe Pridnestrovie has even more legal grounds to be internationally recognised," said the Pridnestrovian president.

He also referred to the German government's position that Pridnestrovie must be an integral part of Moldova.

"We respect this position, but want to draw our partners' attention to the fact that there is a tendency to implement international norms in different ways. To this end, it is important to take account of citizens' opinion. We have held referendums, which is the superior prerogative in the legal system concept. These referendums have showed the will of the citizens," noted Yevgeny Shevchuk.