Pridnestrovie's turnover monthly reduction

08/14/14 19:01

Pridnestrovie's turnover monthly reduction

On the average, the rates fall by 1%

 Pridnestrovie's State Customs Committee (SCC)  is continuing to monitor Pridnestrovie's turnover rates. The dynamics has shown a stable trend to fall for the third month running. On the average, the rates fall by 1% every 30 days.

Since the beginning of the year, including the first decade of August, the turnover without regard to energy resources and the Moldova Steel Works' production has fallen by 7% when compared to the corresponding period of 2013. According to the SCC's analysts, the reason has been the same - Ukraine's unstable situation, which has made some economic agents to cut down on their foreign trade activity, and  others - to search for new sources of goods acquisition. Besides, the foreign trade operators have to take into consideration the transit restrictions imposed on Pridnestrovian products by Ukraine.

According to the customs statistics, Pridnestrovie's legal persons' turnover with Ukraine has decreased in the past 7 months of 2014 by 9% when compared to the corresponding period of 2013. The imports have fallen by 15%.

Pridnestrovie's sole proprietors have turned to be very susceptible to the new risks. Their turnover with Ukraine has fallen in the past 7 months by  30% in comparison to the corresponding period of 2013 (temporary importation - by 43%; imports - by 21%). Their foreign trade activity has decreased by 16%, and with respect to legal persons this rate has fallen by 15%. As a result, the customs charges for goods transported across the Pridnestrovian-Ukrainian border have decreased by 15% against last year's level (import tax - by 13%; excise tax - 32%).

The SCC's analysts also observe the tendency for Pridnestrovie's foreign economic activity to shift towards the export, whose share has increased by 10%. However, the correlation between this and last year's growth cannot serve as an indicator as in the early 2013 Pridnestrovie’s biggest enterprises stood idle.

Against this background there is a growth in the turnover with Moldova, which has increased by 68% when compared to the corresponding period of 2013 (imports - by 166%, exports - 44%).

At the same time, this reorientation of foreign trade is not easy for the Pridnestrovian economic agents.  They are still placed in the unequal conditions as compared to their Moldovan counterparts, owing to the procedure of additional customs clearance of cargoes by Moldova's customs agency, which, according to Pridnestrovie's Ministry of Economic Development, has extended routes of cargo delivery and resulted in annual losses of $ 10 million. Besides, Pridnestrovie's cargoes can only be transported in the vehicles registered in Moldova, and receiving investments and certification of products involve a lot of extra difficulties for the Pridnestrovian economic agents.