Yevgeny Shevchuk interviewed by Russian newspaper Tribuna

08/05/14 17:05

Yevgeny Shevchuk interviewed by Russian newspaper Tribuna

In an interview the President highlighted the expansion of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Pridnestrovie

Today, the head of state has answered the questions of the Russian weekly newspaper Tribuna. Karina Afanasyeva, Tribuna’s special correspondent, has taken interest in a wide range of questions relating to both foreign and domestic policy of Pridnestrovie, the President's press service reports.

YevgeniyShevchukwas asked how the state manages "to survive in the midst of being internationally unrecognized, economic blockade and global economic crisis" and how to implement "a civilized divorce" formula proposed to Moldovaby Pridnestrovie.

During the interview with Tribuna's correspondent, the unique peacekeeping operation on the Dniester's banks and deployment of the Russian military contingent in Pridnestroviewere also touched upon. The President was asked to comment on information emerging in the media about the possibility of denouncing Russian-Ukrainian agreements under which the Russian peacekeepers are sustained.

A special set of questions referred to the present situation in Ukraine. YevgenyShevchukspoke about the influence the neighbouring country's events exert on Pridnestrovie's domestic situation.

In addition, the Russian correspondent was interested in the ability of Pridnestrovie's power system to adopt alternate fuels with regard to strained relations between Moscow and Kiev in the gas sector.

During the interview, the President also commented on the results of his visit to Crimea, where he talked to Special Envoy of the Russian President to Pridnestrovie, Deputy Prime Minister DmitriyRogozin, and dwelt on issues relating to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Pridnestrovie.




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