Yevgeniy Shevchuk meets with Dubossary and Grigoriopol districts' residents

08/01/14 23:10

Yevgeniy Shevchuk meets with Dubossary and Grigoriopol districts' residents

The President has visited the city of Grigoriopol,Tsybulyovka and Kolosovo villages

Today, after visiting Dubossary within the framework of the Republican Memorial Day of the Defenders of Pridnestrovie Fallen during the Armed Conflict with Moldova, the President has met with residents of Tsybulyovka village, Dubossary district, the city of Grigoriopol and Kolosovo village, Grigoriopol district.

During the meeting the President has told the public about the current socio-economic situation in the republic. According to him, those desperate measures the Government had to take are best possible under the present circumstances.

Yevgeny Shevchuk has also pointed out that Grigoriopol and Dubossary districts have deficit-ridden local budgets as their costs considerably exceed revenues. In the Grigoriopol district, in particular, the budget costs are nearly four times as high as the revenues.

The most considerable issues the districts' residents showed interest in are farming land reallocation, credit repayments, considering the aggravating economic situation, and water supply.

Speaking about farming land reallocation, the President has recalled that there is a republican investment programme for agricultural producers, according to which an agricultural enterprise leasing land must invest funds to countryside infrastructure development. Yevgeny Shevchuk has also noted that one of the issues related to land tenure is alienating land plots, which are state property, from abusive farmers.

Touching upon credit repayments under aggravating economic conditions, Yevgeny Shevchuk has underscored that the Government is considering a legislation aimed at resolving the issue.

With regard to water supply, the President has pointed out that establishing the unitary enterprise Water Supply and Removal has allowed us to considerably lower water supply tariffs. 

"The water supply tariffs in the Grigoriopol district were three times as high last year," Yevgeny Shevchuk has remarked.

After the meeting the head of state has instructed competent authorities to examine the validity of the cost of water gauge maintenance offered by the republican water supply enterprise.