Main news

12/21/16 14:19
In an interview with Russia 24, the Pridnestrovian president told about the problems and prospects of the Pridnestrovian economy
12/20/16 18:31
The sides discussed comprehensive Russian support and assistance to Pridnestrovie
12/20/16 15:31
The meeting is held in the building of the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow
12/20/16 10:56
The corresponding decree has been signed by the president
12/19/16 14:35
Following the president's decision, state-run enterprise Pridnestrovian Railway will come under the government’s subordination
12/17/16 10:55
Pridnestrovie's President: "We have very much in common"
12/14/16 10:55
Vadim Krasnoselsky urged all authorities to consolidate
12/12/16 18:18
The president-elect thanked Pridnestrovians for their active participation and civic stand
12/11/16 06:30
Polling stations will work from 7:00 to 20:00
12/06/16 15:45
In the Vesti Nedeli TV show on RTR Moldova, Yevgeny Shevchuk commented on the upcoming elections in the country
12/05/16 19:18
This is the Supreme Court's decision
12/01/16 16:01
The Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC has stated the inadmissibility of detentions and abductions by Moldovan law enforcers of Pridnestrovian citizens in the Security Zone
11/30/16 14:17
Vitaly Ignatyev noted during the meeting in Moscow that the Moldovan side was continuing to show reluctance to conduct a substantive dialogue with Pridnestrovie
11/28/16 18:01
The Supreme Council is due to consider them in five days
11/15/16 15:59
Such is the president's position on a draft law banning state officials from keeping money in foreign banks outside Pridnestrovie