09/01/19 13:31


Athlete completes ultramarathon, dedicated to the Republic Day

Tiraspol, September, 1. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. To mark the 29th anniversary of the PMR, Evgeny Borsch run the ultramarathon. At the city stadium, a representative of the Pridnestrovian State Sports Service presented him a certificate, which testifies to finishing the race of 155 km in 24 hours. The athlete said that that was his personal record.

“I ran the first 50 km like clockwork. When the sun rose, I had to constantly pour over myself and drink a lot of water. I drank 60 liters of liquid. I had to eat a little, I was always thirsty, because there was dehydration of the body, it was necessary to restore trace elements so that there were no cramps,” the athlete shared.

There were no cramps, as the athlete admitted, but closer to the middle of the race the muscles began to refuse to work. Therefore, he had to take painkillers.

“After that everything went fine. In Dubossary, we ran quite well, because we ran this interval at night,” the athlete said. 

Evgeny Borsch noted that it was easier to run at night, because it was not so hot, but the body was tired of the monotony of the landscape, because the surroundings were not visible. In the morning, the athlete approached Malaesti, where every kilometer, according to him, seemed like an eternity. There, at the 150th kilometer of the distance, it was extremely difficult to continue the marathon.

“In my experience, I know that in this condition it is necessary to stop, because it may even cause fatal pathology,” Evgeny Borsch said.

At this point, everyone who participated in marathon took 40 minutes break, and then continued it. According to the athlete, he still had strength for another 5 km. Then the athlete decided to complete the distance.

Throughout the race, Evgeny Borsch was supported not only by professional athletes, but also by runners. Anyone could join the ultramarathon at any point in the distance.

Evgeny Borsch is 40 years old. He says that such “crazy” races can only be run at that age.

“At a younger age, a person cannot run such distances. Physically, he is not sufficiently mature yet. The most important thing is the psychological component. It is at the age of 35-40 years that a person is able to withstand such stressful situations,” the athlete says. 

Evgeny Borsch refers to himself a multi-racer. In addition to races at various distances, he is engaged in cycling and swimming. He says that his inner self inspires his records, and his family helps him reach higher heights.


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