06/07/19 11:37


Deputy of the Supreme Council Andrei Mezhinsky about the development of light industry in Pridnestrovie

The light industry of the republic is textile, clothing and footwear. It is one of the important directions in the field of public policy and plays a significant role in maintaining the economic stability of the state and its strategic development, employment of the working population and raising their standard of living, including by providing the necessary goods - home textiles, clothing and footwear.

Today, light industry faces ambitious challenges and goals, such as stimulating demand for domestic products, increasing its production and, of course, technical and technological modernization. The solution of such tasks requires a consistent approach and close attention, and such attention is indeed provided by the deputies of the Supreme Council and members of the PMR Government.

In addition to the listed global challenges facing the light industry, the attention of parliamentarians and the Government is focused on the solution of an equally important personnel issue related to the retention of qualified personnel in the workplace. This is especially relevant, given the fact that at present only the shortage of seamstresses in the republic amounts to more than 400 people.

Today, the advanced production of the garment and footwear sector is talking about the need to attract specialists - CJSC Tirotex, CJSC Odema, ICC Intercentre Lux LTD, CJSC Sewing Company Vestra, Rybnitskaya Sewing Factory JLTD, Softshuz LTD, OJSC Floare, CJSC Shoe Company Tigina.  

Speaking of the steps taken, I would like to note that measures to support the sewing industry have already been working since the summer of 2016, when the raising factor in calculating the income tax was reduced from 2 to 1.7. In 2018, the industry enterprises paid taxes on the basis of a coefficient of 1.3.

Footwear industry was not left without support. Also in 2016, the Supreme Council supported domestic manufacturers of footwear and, at the initiative of parliamentarians, anti-crisis measures were taken for enterprises in the industry - they reduced the tax burden several times.

Much has been done, but more needs to be done. After all, the products of light industry enterprises, where about 8 thousand workers and specialists work today, are exported to more than 30 countries of the world, and the total income from tax deductions to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds from light industry enterprises is about $ 15 million a year.

Previous day, the professional holiday - the Day of Light Industry - I would like on my own behalf and, probably, on behalf of every manager of the enterprise in this industry, to congratulate on the upcoming holiday and wish those professionals who today contribute their knowledge and experience to the development of light industry in Pridnestrovie, successful implementation of plans, confident progress, good health, happiness, peace and prosperity!


Deputy of the Supreme Council Andrei Mezhinsky, the publication of the Supreme Council website under the heading "The Tribune of the Deputy"



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