05/16/19 21:18


New technologies, prospects for business and participation in electoral processes.
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Tiraspol, May 16. / Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The forum «Tiras-2019» continued in «Dniesterovskie Zory» summer camp. During the day there worked educational platforms where everyone could find interesting interlocutors and speakers. For example, there was a discussion on the youth business with the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic and members of «Most» business association. Alexander Kuznetsov shared his story of success.

«I had to make the difficult choice. Probably, it is one of the sorest points for the resident of Pridnestrovie – to make the decision to remain or to leave. 5 years ago I finished career in a bank and wanted to make business here», – he told, having noted that he did not regret about choice at all.

How to find yourself, what prevents to open the business and how the state can help with it told representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development. The deputy minister Natalya Sitkina noted that from this year on the basis of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry there will appear a business school for young people.

«They will be able to get free of charge two-month education. А kind of examination – the presentation of the business project – will become the final stage. Tutors will teach students to create business projects, to embody the ideas. And potential investors will be listeners of the presentations. So they will have a chance to organize the business, to find the money for it», – she explained.

And here on the «Youth and Modern Communication Technologies» platform representatives of the Interdnestrcom told about the modern communication development. The subject for a conversation became the prospects of mobile Internet development.

«We considered it will be interesting to young generation to hear how one of our most demanded mobile applications was created. We showed not only the history of its development but also its creators. It is a serious product demanding work of a number of experts. Our youth is technically grounded. Preparing for a meeting, we decided that there should go experts of narrower, technical direction. That was a good decision as there were many tricky questions», – the marketing manager of the Interdnestrcom company Stanislav Kovtun told.

«Rather interesting platform. It was interesting to me as a user to know many things. I have learned a lot of new, for example about the programming languages of different applications and types of communication. Now they plan to use the VOLTE format. It was interesting to listen about communication», – the participant of a forum Sergey Kozachenko added.

The discussion platform the «Speaker glade» organized by the Central Electoral Commission and youth parliament offered other options. Here approved oratorical skills. Participants defined a subject – participation of youth in the electoral processes. Before beginning a debate on this subject, experts told how to behave in public, how to defend the opinion even if it did not meet mass approval.

«Today on our platform there were three couples who tried this role. It is our first experience, we will develop such format of communication further, but already on other platforms. The youth itself defined questions which concern them, and had an opportunity to answer them», – explained the chief specialist of Central Election Commission Tatyana Gayburg.

«You listen positions of two different people and understand how it represents this or that situation. And it was a certain competition where you understood that you had to convince the most part of the participants. Is it easy to be a speaker? If you agree with dropped-out lot opinion, then yes, you argue the position easier. But it is really hard to act contra if in soul you are pro», – the participant of debates Alyona Ostroukhova shared impressions.


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