President praises role of Immortal Regiment movement in preserving historical memory

04/03/17 18:09

President praises role of Immortal Regiment movement in preserving historical memory

Vadim Krasnoselsky has met the co-chair of the movement, Russia's State Duma MP Nikolay Zemtsov

Tiraspol, 3 April. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Vadim Krasnoselsky has met the co-chair of the Immortal Regiment movement, Russia's State Duma MP Nikolay Zemtsov.

«You have probably noticed that leaving Russia and arriving in Pridnestrovie, you find yourself back in Russia with its traditions and customs which have been preserved here. This is, first of all, the achievement of the Pridnestrovian people," said Vadim Krasnoselsky, welcoming Nikolay Zemtsov.

The Pridnestrovian land for many centuries has been inextricably linked to Russia, the president's press service reports. Here rest the warriors from 115 regiments of the Russian Empire. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew the attention of the Russian guest to a large amount of search work to perpetuate the memory of the Russian soldiers who were killed or lost in Pridnestrovie.

«Our land is abundantly watered with the blood of Russian and Soviet soldiers. We have always kept the memory of their heroism. That is why our republic has memorials dedicated to Russian, Soviet soldiers and, unfortunately, to the defenders of Pridnestrovie who were killed in 1992. When we were young and laid flowers to Great Patriotic War monuments, we could not even think this might happen again on our soil," said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The head of state praised the role of the Immortal Regiment movement in preserving historical memory. «Pridnestrovie has already conducted events in the framework of this movement. This year, after signing an agreement with the Russian movement, these events will be joint," said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Sharing his first impressions of Pridnestrovie, Nikolay Zemtsov noted numerous monuments of various epochs. «The geography of Pridnestrovie assumed such large-scale fighting. This land has always been Russia's outpost," said the Russian guest. He appreciated the exposition of the Bendery Fortress Museum «I have noticed a lot of portraits of Alexander Suvorov. I am touched by such a careful attitude to the memory of the great commander. Perhaps, even Russia can't boast such attention to the memory of Suvorov," said the movement co-chair.

Nikolay Zemtsov has high hopes for the Immortal Regiment of Pridnestrovie, looking forward to fruitful cooperation. «I wish it were a single organisation so that we could work together with historical legacy. Immortal Regiment sees the upbringing of young people as today's priority. We feel that knowledge of history is insufficient. The older generation, school, parents and children themselves should strive to preserve the historical memory," the Russian guest believes.

According to Nikolay Zemtsov, he has already examined the route in Tiraspol along which Immortal Regiment will march on Victory Day. «I hope there will be banners of Russia and Pridnestrovie, portraits of our soldiers. This is a great event that brings back the memory of the Great Victory to the nations of the world. It is high time European countries remembered that they owe their freedom to the Russian Soldier," concluded Nikolay Zemtsov.


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