President's address to Pridnestrovians centres on economic situation

05/20/16 12:00

President's address to Pridnestrovians centres on economic situation

Tiraspol, 20 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In his state-of-the-nation address to Pridnestrovians, President Yevgeny Shevchuk noted that the main economic problems are the implications of internationally unrecognised status and a selective policy of the neighbouring countries, Moldova and Ukraine. According to the head of state, this is «the policy of restrictions and obstacles» aimed at ceasing the independent foreign economic operations of Pridnestrovian enterprises.

Thus, Pridnestrovian citizens and economic agents are subjected to harmful influence of the whole range of stress factors. First of all, this refers to the opportunities of conducting full-fledges economic activity, free movement of citizens and vehicles across the border, as well as international recognition of documents issued by Pridnestroivan authorities.

«For instance, the unilateral decisions made by our Ukrainian and Moldovan partners have disrupted the system of supplying cargoes by rail since 1 January 2106. And it is only one example," underscored the president.

Yevgeny Shevchuk also maintained that CIS countries are facing an economic recession, there has been a wave of currency devaluation and a considerable drop in demand for domestic goods. And it is not only methods of combating the crisis that matter, but also the timeliness of making decisions.

«We are in desperate need of legislative changes in tax policy, building a contemporary all-nation system of non-cash transactions by means of using credit at any trade organisation, in the sector of public utilities, public catering, as is done in many other countries. A selective approach in this issues […] is stalling and pushing the state back at the moment when all other are going forward," said the president, especially emphasising that had MPs approved these elements in proper time, a few years ago, the efficiency of crisis management would have considerably increased.

The head of state noted that despite global, regional economic instability, Pridnestrovie is the only CIS country that has not devalued its national currency for over four years.

«Although it was difficult, we paid pensions without devaluation and then paid off wage debts. As for today, the government has repaid its debts in these two areas," concluded Yevgeny Shevchuk.


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