Budget revenues showing negative trend at all levels

10/21/15 14:31

Budget revenues showing negative trend at all levels

During a working meeting with the president the acting prime minister, Maya Parnas, announced that in the period of January-September 2015 34 major tax payers reduced tax payments. The amount of tax payments decreased by 373 million roubles as compared to the same period of 2014.

The following enterprises reduced tax payments most of all: LLC Sheriff by 237.3 million roubles, JSC Tirotex by 29 million roubles, JSC Rybnitsa Cement Plant by 18.8 million roubles, JSC TVKZ KVINT by 15.3 million roubles. Some enterprises, however, increased the amount of tax payments as compared to nine months of 2014. The following economic entities showed the highest growth: JSC Moldavskaya GRES and LLC Energocapital by 97.26 million roubles, JSC Tiraspol Bread-Baking Complex by 6 million roubles, LLC Sevi-Trade by 4.6 million roubles, GUP Biokhim by 3.9 million roubles,

Maya Parnas also reported on the government's progress in elaborating the country's draft budget for 2016.

«We are working in the circumstances when the Supreme Council has not approved any forecast document. The tax policy concept draft, socio-economic development forecast and adoption of a new tax system are still under consideration," noted Maya Parnas.

It was specially emphasised that, elaborating the main financial document, the government is taking into account external factors that can affect macroeconomic indicators in 2016 and budget revenues at all levels. Among the greatest risks for the country's economy is the expiration of EU autonomous trade preferences on 31 December 2015, as well as the issue of exporting electric power to Moldova from 1 April 2016.


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