The President held a working meeting

10/21/24 12:30

The President held a working meeting

The President was informed in the course of a video conference scheduled working meeting by heads of state administrations about the situation with providing institutions and residential buildings in the republic with heating. The launch of the system was successful in general. The premises of social and educational institutions have been heated already for a week. The exception is the Pedagogical College in Bendery. There is a break, work is underway to eliminate it. Heat workers have been actively providing heat to residential buildings over the past three days. Emergencies occurred everywhere, measures are being taken immediately. For example, 26 accidents were registered in Tiraspol. Residents of three capital multi-story buildings, two apartment buildings in Bendery, and three in Kamenka remain without heat at the moment. There are occasional requests related to air in the system in all cities. The work of heat workers continues.

The capital's head said that an entire block of the private sector in Tiraspol, Lunacharsky Street will be provided with sewer infrastructure. We are talking about the houses located from the VG-1 complex to school No. 9. These houses have not been connected to the sewerage network until now. Oleg Dovgopol reported that major repairs are underway in five multi-story buildings, and current repairs are underway in 11. Roofing work is underway at the Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity and the City Palace of Culture. The construction of a cooperative house in Tekstilshchikov Street continues (4 of the 6 floors have been erected). Playgrounds in ten kindergartens will be covered with rubberized coating. The material is not new, but suitable for use, the head said. The old coating, which was removed from the Tiraspol stadium, will be used. The practice was successfully tested on the site of kindergarten No. 7. Progress in the repair of healthcare facilities was discussed. They mentioned among other things the preparation of premises for an X-ray room at the Republican Clinical Hospital. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to speed up the process. 

There are questions about the implementation of the capital investment program at the Rybnitsa facilities of the Ministry of Healthcare. The work is delayed. The deadlines have been violated. The city administration hopes that the facilities will be completed at least by the New Year. They will hold an off-site meeting with the participation of the Minister of Health and the management of construction organizations tomorrow. The claims are to a specific contractor. This company has had a bad reputation this year not only in Rybnitsa. Obligations have not been fulfilled in other cities either. The President instructed the Department for Combating Economic Crimes, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Prosecutor's Office to conduct a joint inspection of its activities, including compliance with licensing requirements and legislative norms requiring organizations participating in tender procedures to use at least 70% of their own resources in the production process.

The head of the state administration of Kamenka reported on the continuation of work in the city park, at the stadium and in the central district hospital. In addition, Sergey Sokirka reported that a grotto is being built in Wittgenstein Park, and they plan to fill the lakes with water in November.

The head of Dubossary reminded that the city is preparing for its name day. The official date is October 27. A prayer service and a religious procession will be held on this day. The fair, farmsteads, concert program and festive fireworks will be organized the day before, on Saturday. A general Dubossary cleanup day will be held on the eve of City Day.

The head of Slobodzeya said that the closing of the season in the Summer Cinema is planned for October 25, noting the demand for the site. Vasily Tishchenko touched upon agricultural issues in his report. It was noted in particular that sowing is somewhat behind schedule. 8400 hectares have been sown with wheat, which is 35% of the plan.

The meeting participants discussed the work plan for the current week. The President gave work instructions.


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