The President congratulated the State Prize in Science and Innovation laureates

09/18/24 13:01

The President congratulated the State Prize in Science and Innovation laureates

The PMR President signed the Decree "On awarding the State Prize of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in Science and Innovation in 2024" in August of this year. Taking into account the recommendation of the Supreme Advisory Council on Science and Technology under the PMR President, Vadim Krasnoselsky awarded the State Prize to two teams: in the field of humanities and compilation of textbooks for the educational system of the PMR – the authors of the monograph "History of Pridnestrovie", Volume I, (seven participants); in the field of culture and art – the compilers of the historical and cultural almanac "Pridnestrovian Heritage" (eight persons). The prize funds will be divided between the authors in an amount corresponding to their creative contribution, the decree says. Each was awarded the honorary title of "Laureate of the State Prize of the PMR". Vadim Krasnoselsky personally presented certificates and badges today. The ceremony took place in the House of Official Receptions of the Administration of the PMR President.

They talked during the meeting about the value of both works. The first volume of the monograph "History of Pridnestrovie" tells about the period from the Lower Paleolithic to the end of the 17th century. The authors analyzed the history of the peoples living in this territory and the main events that took place here when the Pridnestrovian lands were part of the Old Russian State, the Galicia-Volyn Principality, the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Crimean Khanate, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Ottoman Empire, Ukraine, and the Moscow State. It is noted that the publication is richly illustrated, including images of old maps and engravings. The group of authors of this work was nominated as candidates for the State Prize by the Ministry of Education of the PMR, said State Advisor to the PMR President Anna Volkova. She called today's day exciting, and the recognition of the team's merits valuable. 

As for the almanac "Pridnestrovian Heritage", this cultural and educational project has been implemented for more than a decade and a half. The full collection currently includes 15 issues, about five hundred scientific reports and articles have been published. It is noted that the first editions were largely devoted to spiritual and moral ideals, aspects of Orthodox culture, pedagogy, art, socio-cultural activities, literature and the media. Increased attention began to be paid to problems, to analyze archival affairs, local history, ethnography in the course of time. All these years, research, journalistic, creative work has been carried out in close cooperation with the Tiraspol-Dubossary diocese. Representatives of the center also cooperate with various scientific and educational institutions, museums, archives, national and cultural associations. The center held more than two hundred events, including 16 conferences, 17 Orthodox art exhibitions, and the opening of 20 memorial plaques in addition to publishing the almanac, said the head of the center, editor-in-chief of the almanac Nikolai Dymchenko. According to him, the multifaceted, multiethnic and multicultural Pridnestrovian heritage deserves attention and is a rich source for further scientific research. Archbishop Sawa for his part expressed the opinion that the almanac should be published in large print runs, since the demand for it is high. Different issues were published in quantities from 100 to 500 copies.

The President expressed gratitude to the laureates for their work and encouraged them to continue it. He said that the material and technical support did not correspond to the highest level of professionalism of representatives of the research sphere many years. The situation is changing noticeably at present. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled the renewal of infrastructure and equipment of educational, scientific, cultural and archiving facilities. The participants of the meeting discussed various topics. The head of the State Service for Documentation and Archives Management Zinaida Todorashko outlined the problem of personnel shortage in the field of archiving. She considers that specialists should be trained within the republic at the site of the state university. They talked about the small staffing of university groups in a number of specialties and the lack of interest among young people in some areas, which in the near future will aggravate the personnel shortage in various spheres of life of the Pridnestrovian society. They discussed the obsolescence of many regulations, requirements for maintaining and forms of documentation. Representatives of PSU, noting with gratitude the infrastructural changes in the university, identified university facilities that are still awaiting repair and re-equipment. It was noted that the immediate plans include internal repairs of "G" building and the premises of the Faculty of Economics. Next year they will undertake the reconstruction of one of the student dormitories if possible. The further stages of the upcoming work were also described in detail. The interlocutors discussed traditional and modern approaches to organizing the educational process, issues of education and ideology. An initiative was voiced to introduce the "Pridnestrovian studies" at various educational levels.

Laureates of the State Prize of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the field of science and innovation in 2024:

Anna Zakharovna Volkova - State Advisor to the PMR President, Head of the Research Laboratory "History of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic", Professor of the History Department of the Institute of Public Administration and Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the State Educational Institution "Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko», Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor;

Maria Petrovna Zalozhkova – Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Institute of Public Administration and Social Sciences and Humanities, State Educational Institution «Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko»;

Sergey Nikolaevich Razumov – Associate Professor, Department of History, Institute of Public Administration and Social Sciences and Humanities, State Educational Institution «Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko», Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Vitaly Stepanovich Sinika – Professor, Department of History, Institute of Public Administration and Social Sciences and Humanities, State Educational Institution «Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko», Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Roman Aleksandrovich Tatarov – Chief Specialist, Department for Work with Public Associations, Administration of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Candidate of Political Sciences;

Nikolay Petrovich Telnov – Chief Researcher, Research Laboratory «Archeology», Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Sergey Anatolyevich Fidelsky – Head of the Department of History of the Institute of Public Administration and Social Sciences and Humanities of the State Educational Institution "Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko", Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Lyudmila Pavlovna Alferyeva – Assistant to the Chairman of the Historical and Archival Department of the Tiraspol-Dubossary Diocese;

Archbishop Sawa (Volkov) – Administrator of the Tiraspol-Dubossary Diocese, Candidate of Theology, Honorary Doctor of the State Educational Institution "Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko";

Nikolay Viktorovich Dymchenko – Head of the Center for the Study of the Cultural, Historical and Spiritual Heritage of Pridnestrovie, founder and editor-in-chief of the almanac, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor;

Sergey Mikhailovich Melnik – Chief Curator of the Funds of the Complex of Memorial Museums in Kamenka;

Zinaida Georgievna Todorashko – Head of the PMR State Service for Management of Documentation and Archives, Chairman of the Society of Historians and Archivists of Pridnestrovie, PhD in History, Professor;

Sergey Ivanovich Filipenko – Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography of the State Educational Institution "Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko", Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;

Vladimir Grigorievich Fomenko – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography of the State Educational Institution "Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko", Director of the Pridnestrovian Center of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society", PhD in Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Victoria Nikolaevna Cheban – Director of the Museum Association in Slobodzeya, Honored Worker of Culture of the PMR.


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