COVID statistics

02/15/21 10:57

COVID statistics

According to the information announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, 30181 cases of COVID-19 infection have been registered in the republic since the beginning of the pandemic. 340 of them have been registered during the four days that have passed since the previous meeting of the Operational Headquarters. 6 people died during the same period of time, 283 recovered.

580 patients are being treated in COVID hospitals. 19 of these are in serious condition in intensive care units, two are connected to artificial lung ventilation devices. The workload of specialized hospitals is 33%.

The President was informed about epidemiological situation in places of detention. 254 cases of infection were detected in the State Service for Punishment Execution. 19 of these people recovered. Taking into account four people with a viral infection who were previously released from prison, 231 convicts are currently undergoing treatment. 25 people underwent computed tomography during the last week, two of them were diagnosed with pneumonia.

54 people in hospitals await the results of the study of biomaterial taken from them. 266 Pridnestrovians undergo treatment at their place of residence. 14 carriers of the virus were transferred from home to hospital treatment due to the deteriorating health condition during the past four days. 761 patients totally were transferred to hospitals during the practice of treatment at home. 613 PMR citizens are in self-isolation.

140223 samples (2 thousand 7 samples over the past four days) is the total number of laboratory tests conducted since the beginning of the pandemic. 658 people died (mortality 2%), 28446 Pridnestrovians were able to defeat the disease (94% of the number of cases). The average daily incidence rate in the republic in the reporting period was 85 cases, 75 a week earlier.


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