The President urged not to be panic-stricken

12/03/20 10:53

The President urged not to be panic-stricken

The Head of the Operational Headquarters Ruslan Mova in the course of the meeting announced statistical data illustrating the dynamics of the detection of carriers of the virus in Pridnestrovie: “In November, totally 22369 samples were sent for laboratory analysis. Approximately 745 samples were sent for analysis every day on average. For comparison, in October the number of tests carried out was approximately 625 per day, in September - 365, in August - 270, and in July a little more than 200. The diagnosis of the disease was confirmed in 5775 citizens from the samples sent in November for analysis. Thus, last month the detection rate of registered cases of the disease to the number of investigated cases was almost 26%. In July this figure was just over 5%, in August 8%, in September and October 15%. At the same time, as of November 30, for the entire period of the analyzes, this figure is slightly more than 15%. Unfortunately, according to the results of November, the most negative dynamics of morbidity is noted, and the overall increase in the number of cases over the past month is almost 46% of the total number of cases for the entire period. As for lethality, 82 people died due to concomitant diseases in November, which amounted to 1.4% of the total number of cases in this period. At the same time, as of November 30, the total number of deaths was slightly less than 2% of the total number of cases for the entire period. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the following. Last month, one third of citizens died of the total number of deaths during the entire pandemic in the republic. The growth is very large. As for the recovered people, in November, 3601 people coped with the disease, or 62% of the total number of cases last month. For all the time, as of November 30, slightly more than 67% have coped with the disease".

Members of the Operational Headquarters are working out measures that are designed to contain the spread of the virus and minimize the negative consequences of the pandemic. The President urged not be panic-stricken and to consolidate the fight against a global disease. “There is no need to wait for decrease in the incidence rate in the coming months. December, January, February will be difficult. We must be ready for this. We need to get together, to consolidate our efforts, not to be panic-stricken and not allow hysteria, but to do our job - each in his place. It is necessary to respond promptly to any changes, to respond to challenges with well-considered decisions”, the President pointed out.


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