The President addressed the participants of the Golden Autumn regatta and handed over new boats to three rowing schools

10/07/21 15:58

The President addressed the participants of the Golden Autumn regatta and handed over new boats to three rowing schools

Creation of conditions for development of physical culture and sports is an important component of the state policy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Attention is paid to various sports areas. Rowing is of great interest among young people. There are several bases in the republic. Their infrastructure is being updated. The rowing base "Chaika" in Bendery was completely reconstructed and re-equipped on the initiative of President Vadim Krasnoselsky. Now it houses the Rowing Sports Center. Repair work is underway at the Rybnitsa rowing base. On behalf of the President, more than two dozen new equipped sports boats were purchased for rowing and rowing in kayaks and canoes last year, as well as specialized simulators for training in gyms. Another 15 units of sports equipment were handed over to the addressees today - sportsmen from Rybnitsa, Dubossary and Grigoriopol. The presentation took place on the basis of the Tiraspol Sports Children and Youth Secondary School of Olympic Reserve of Rowing and Shooting. The traditional Golden Autumn regatta took place there. The event is being held for the 43rd time. Sportsmen from the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, students of rowing sports departments of the Pridnestrovian cities of Tiraspol, Bendery, Dnestrovsk, Rybnitsa, Dubossary, Grigoriopol are the participants.

The participants of the regatta were addressed by the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, who is also the Honorary President of the PMR Rowing Federation. They recalled at the solemn part of the event that 2021 was declared the Year of Youth in Pridnestrovie, talked about sports achievements, mentioned various projects, including the regatta held under the motto "The President's Family for a Healthy Lifestyle".

Addressing the participants of today's event - young pupils and their coaches, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the importance of such events. The President spoke about updating the sports infrastructure, noting that rowing schools in Dubossary and Grigoriopol will soon wait for their turn. A little later - the capital's rowing base.

Communicating with the coaching staff, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that the desire to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle is much more important than awards and titles, although it does not exclude the former.

The PMR President wished the participants of the regatta, and there were about two hundred of them, successful regatta and further sporting success.


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