Working discussion in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters

10/08/20 11:42

Working discussion in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters

The question regarding the situation in the Tiraspol AIDS laboratory, on the basis of which COVID studies are carried out, was raised in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. Six employees of three different shifts were infected. In this regard, the entire staff of the institution was sent to quarantine. It was decided to send a group of experienced biologists of the Department of Forensic Examination of the PMR Internal Ministry to this facility for a period of one month, in order to prevent downtime of the laboratory. On the other hand, Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to find out the cause of the mass illness of the laboratory staff: it is important to understand that we are talking about the negligence of individual employees, which led to infection, or about technical violations in the operation of equipment. Experts will check the condition of the laboratory's technical equipment. Another information related to the possibility of giving citizens a PCR analysis: in polyclinics of towns and district of the republic, points for sampling biomaterials for the presence of a new type of virus have been opened. These are branches of the TiraMed medical center, which cooperates with the Chisinau laboratory, conducting testing on a paid basis.

Activities of polyclinic service institutions is another topic of the working discussion at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The President receives complaints from citizens about the inability to receive the necessary medical care in connection with the decision of the headquarters to suspend the activities of polyclinics. In this regard, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, the planned admission of patients was temporarily suspended. Emergency medical care must be provided. The Minister of Health, in turn, informed that this mechanism - the provision of urgent assistance - is detailed in the corresponding order. The President instructed Christina Albul to hold a conference call with participation of the heads of all polyclinics in order to bring to the attention of everyone the principle of work of medical institutions of this category.

Additional payments to doctors working in conditions of increased coronavirus danger were discussed at the meeting. According to the latest amendments to the legislation, the maximum allowances for the salaries of staff at I and II level hospitals have been doubled. The President emphasized that he expects a proportionate increase in material incentives to increase the level of responsibility of doctors. Information about the arrival of 1200 protective overalls at the warehouse of the Ministry of Health, which will be promptly distributed based on the requests of the chief doctors, was announced at the meeting.

Members of the Operational Headquarters discussed - so far preliminary - the issue of preparation for the holding of a Single Voting Day in the republic. Taking into consideration the coronavirus circumstances and the observed trend, the event will be held in quarantine conditions. The CEC of the PMR and the services involved in this work already have experience in organizing elections in a difficult epidemiological situation: this year Pridnestrovians with Russian citizenship voted on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The upcoming November elections will be more massive, therefore it is necessary to prepare for the event in advance and comprehensively, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. The draft recommendations have already been developed and sent for approval to the Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, concluding the meeting of the Operational Headquarters, congratulated Roman Ivanchenko and in his person all Bendery residents on the 612th anniversary of the first chronicle mention of the city, noting with regret that the coronavirus did not allow celebrating this event on a grand scale. Nevertheless, the President emphasized, Bendery residents are waiting for a gift: soon everyone will be able to find out the details of the rich and vibrant history of the city thanks to the appearance in the Alexander Nevsky park of information plates - analogues versts of time that adorn the capital's Catherine the park.


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