The Operational Headquarters Meeting: statistics and plans

04/29/20 14:46

The Operational Headquarters Meeting: statistics and plans

428 cases of COVID-19 infection among the PMR citizens, 371 patients are in coronavirus hospitals of the republic, one sick resident of Pridnestrovie is being treated in a Chisinau clinic, 20 people died, 36 recovered. These are the data voiced at today's meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The highest quantitative detection of virus carriers is in the capital. In this regard, one of two multichannel testers will be installed in Tiraspol, the arrival of which together with 3000 tests is expected this afternoon. This equipment is humanitarian aid provided to the residents of Pridnestrovie by a Russian businessman, a member of the General Council of Delovaya Rossiya LLC Igor Chaika, the President told members of Operational Headquarters. Productivity of mobile automated laboratories is 36 operations per hour. Using the apparatus will allow to unload the main laboratory, created in the republican clinical hospital on the basis of the Center for the fight against AIDS and infectious diseases. So far, 1700 tests will be allocated for the needs of Tiraspol residents. Another 1000 units together with the second mobile laboratory will be sent to Rybnitsa. Bendery will launch a single-channel testing system (it currently operates in Tiraspol). 300 tests have been allocated.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, expressing gratitude to the Russians for provided support, recalled that earlier, Russia passed 5000 three-component tests to Pridnestrovie. Consulting assistance is also valuable. It is provided by experienced doctors and leaders of a number of coronavirus hospitals in Russia. The PMR President sent words of gratitude to the staff of the Chisinau center, who for several months have been conducting research on biomaterials of citizens of the PMR suspected of infection with COVID-19.

They spoke in the course of the meeting about blood donation. To date, 475 volunteers received applications. The profile center can carry 60 blood sampling procedures per day. The work is carried out as usual. As for the other volunteer action - to ensure the activities of coronavirus hospitals, at present 53 employees of the republic’s law enforcement agencies started working as middle and junior medical personnel.

They discussed in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters in detail the measures proposed for the future on a gradual exit from strict republic-wide quarantine. 4 stages are supposed. First, locally located shopping facilities (outside shopping centers and markets), auto repair shops and service stations will return to service. Then, shopping malls, ateliers and workshops for sewing and repairing shoes will open. With the successful development of events and the non-extension of the state of emergency, it will be possible to talk about lifting restrictions on other facilities in the service sector. Cinemas, beauty salons, sports centers and entertainment venues will be the last to open the doors for visitors. Then, public transport will enter the roads. The ban on holding public events at the Operational Headquarters seems expedient to extend at least until the end of summer. The President supported the proposed plan for consideration, noting that its implementation, at whatever time they started, should be gradual and with strict adherence to quarantine recommendations, which include the use of personal protective equipment, systematic sanitation, and compliance with the quarantine distance.

They talked in the course of the meeting about express testing of citizens. This practice has already proven to be effective. Total check among employees and wards of closed social institutions made it possible to identify and isolate the sick, which is extremely important in conditions of cohabitation of a significant number of citizens. They test everyone who enters the hospitals of the republic - regardless of the reasons for the hospitalization of citizens.

Discussing the provision of medical personnel with personal protective equipment, it was indicated that in addition to masks, dressing gowns and overalls, local enterprises launched the production of shoe covers. Two hundred pairs were sewn. Vadim Krasnoselsky, expressing gratitude to the teams of Pridnestrovian factories and other organizations involved in providing the country with the products necessary to counter the pandemic, emphasized the weight of their contribution. We are talking about food security. Considering the drought of this year and the high probability of a grain crop failure, they agreed that the restriction on the export of wheat, barley and corn should be extended at least until August 1, even if the state of emergency is lifted. As today, a government commission will give permission to export these products. Vadim Krasnoselsky returned to the issue of the self-sufficiency of Pridnestrovie, recalling that this postulate is spelled out in the Strategy for the Development of the Republic until 2026. The President cited as an example the situation with a global shortage of personal protective equipment, which the republic was able to get out of thanks to its own production and labor resources.

Part of the meeting today was devoted to the topic of the upcoming May holidays. Quarantine in the country continues, because the action plan is seriously adjusted. Changes to it will still be made. The President voiced some suggestions. They will be discussed in detail tomorrow at the workshop.


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