New decisions of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President

04/17/20 13:55

New decisions of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President

Current information was announced during the meeting of the presidential Operational Headquarters on preventing the spread of coronavirus: 202 cases of Pridnestrovians with COVID-19 infection were recorded, 10 of those infected died, the same number of infected recovered. The main number of cases (152) is in Slobodzeya hospital. Since yesterday, carriers of coronavirus and citizens suspected of having COVID-19 are placed for inpatient treatment on a territorial basis in local hospitals. There are two patients with suspected coronavirus in Kamenka, 13 in Rybnitsa (one case of the disease is confirmed by laboratory tests), five infected patients in Dubossary, four citizens are awaiting the results of biomaterial research in Grigoriopol, and 21 in Bendery. Among 36 patients from the Tiraspol coronavirus center at the new building of the surgical department of the Republican Clinical Hospital, seven with a confirmed diagnosis. Another 15 patients in need of a hemodialysis procedure undergo treatment in an isolated box of the capital's hospital for the disabled. 107 samples were sent for research in the laboratory of Chisinau.

The hotline continues to work. During the day, 950 calls were received (total since its launch - more than 30000 calls). An audit of retail sales revealed 4 facts of quarantine related violations yesterday. The Department for Combating Economic Violations has not recorded cases of overpricing by trade organizations. 27 people were held accountable for non-compliance with the regime of self-isolation (law enforcement officials carried out 730 inspection visits on April 16). During the day, 59 citizens entered the country, 76 left.

The Head of the Operational Headquarters Ruslan Mova informed the President of the decision to create an interdepartmental commission whose task is to conduct official inspections on the facts of infection of employees of ministries and departments involved in the fight against coronavirus infection. The results of such checks will form the basis of a decision on the validity of compensation.

Express tests were received. The accuracy was checked on citizens with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Rapid tests also revealed their presence of the virus, which confirms the effectiveness of this type of testing. On behalf of Vadim Krasnoselsky, all medical workers, as well as employees of other ministries and departments involved in anticoronavirus work, will be checked promptly using express tests. In addition, citizens who will soon arrive in Pridnestrovie from the Russian Federation will be tested at the border. We are talking about compatriots, for the return of which special flights “Moscow-Chisinau” are organized. Their arrival is expected from April 20 to May 1.

Among the topics discussed at today's meeting are the upcoming Easter holidays. In addition to the previously indicated restrictive measures (a ban on parishioners' participation in services and visiting cemeteries (with the exception of funeral processions), it was decided to restrict the movement of vehicles from April 18 to April 20 and from April 25 to 27. The ban will not affect vehicles involved in the fight against viral infection, cars by means of which citizens get to work (with the appropriate certificate) and in a number of exceptional cases when it is necessary to provide assistance to needy citizens (delivery of food, medicine, care for sick persons).

Another topical issue is the educational process. It is carried out remotely. There are questions to the mechanism for schoolchildren certification. After discussion, a consolidated decision was made to certify schoolchildren according to their current performance (without examinations). An exception to this norm is graduates. How the final test of knowledge of students in grades 9 and 11 will be carried out is discussed.

Working meetings of the President with members of the Operational Headquarters in the areas will be continued in a narrower format.


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