The President held a regular reception of citizens on personal matters

06/27/19 19:42

The President held a regular reception of citizens on personal matters

The President receives numerous appeals in various directions by means of all available channels. The President studies each request, complaint, proposal personally. Often the situation requires direct dialogue with the applicant. Communication during the reception of citizens allows to sort out in detail all aspects of a particular issue in order to find the optimal solution to the problem.

Elena Grossu and her daughter Ekaterina, residents of Bychok, Grigoriopol District are Among today's interlocutors of Vadim Krasnoselsky. The girl is wheelchair-bound. Education in a regular rural school is not available to her as visiting a specialized center. Educational institutions for children with special needs are located in cities. The closest ones are in Bendery and Tiraspol. There is no direct bus from Bychok village in these directions. Daily travel by public transport with transfers to a wheelchair user is almost impossible. Taxi service is extremely expensive. Elena Nikolayevna cannot allow: she left her job due to the fact that her daughter needs constant attention. Employment will be possible only under the condition that Katya will be under the supervision of specialists from a rehabilitation and educational institution during the day. It is possible to break this vicious circle only in case of a change of the place of residence of the family. Mom and daughter are asking for a room in the city hostel. Katya herself, with difficulty pronouncing the words, said that she really wants to learn and dreams of simple communication with children. Mom, in turn, indicated that the girl needed constant specialized care and medical care, which can be provided only in the special center. At the same time, the family does not admit that Katya will not return home in the evenings. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that he respects those who does not give up before difficulties and is looking for a way out of difficult situations. “A child will never be better anywhere than at home with parents. At the same time he needs to communicate with the outside world, with his peers. Socialization is extremely important for people whose capabilities are limited by their health status. We try to do everything possible so that they have the opportunity to learn, develop, play sports. A center has recently been opened in Bendery where people with disabilities can practice various sports. Construction of a large sports facility, as well as an educational institution for such children is carried out in the capital. Kate definitely need to learn. We will find a way to resolve this issue”, the President assured. The head of the administration of Bendery is tasked to find residential premises for Grossu family.

People often come to the President with business ideas. Vyacheslav Malchukov plans to recycle recyclables - plastics and rubber - and production of consumer goods on this basis. The resident of Bendery already looked after the suitable territory, there are also working hands. The problem is in the initial capital. Credit funds are needed, and Vyacheslav Malchukov is asking Vadim Krasnoselsky for assistance in obtaining them. The President, having carefully listened to the interlocutor, noted that the State Reserve Fund provides for preferential loans to production workers. In the near future, on behalf of Vadim Krasnoselsky, a meeting of a potential entrepreneur with representatives of relevant departments will be organized, at which Vyacheslav Malchuk will present his project, arguing the request for lending.

Traditionally, many questions addressed to the President are related to the provision of benefits and the allocation of material assistance. They talked today about mutual payments, the activities of public organizations, the quality of work of some structures. It was possible to move the solution of a number of problems off the ground on the spot - by phone. Others require legislative changes. Such aspects on the instructions of the President will be studied by specialized specialists. “For each appeal - not only the fate of particular person, but also the improvement of the state system. We study, analyze, draw conclusions, correct mistakes, bring legislation in line with existing realities”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky.


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