President: harmonisation is not a whim of an official, but our people's desire

09/23/16 14:19

President: harmonisation is not a whim of an official, but our people's desire

According to President Yevgeny Shevchuk, his decree "On the implementation of the results of the republican referendum" must boost the work of all authorities on the harmonisation of Pridnestrovian legislation with Russian legislation
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Tiraspol, 23 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The harmonisation of Pridnestrovian laws with Russian legislation is the desire of the Pridnestrovian people, said President Yevgeny Shevchuk during a press conference at MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

«In 2006, Pridnestrovie held a referendum at which the Pridnestrovian people voted for independence and subsequent accession to Russia. Within this context and the referendum campaign, a slogan of harmonisation was used, and later a state decision was made to harmonise our legislation with Russian one. And it is not a whim of an official, this is the desire of our people," said the head of state.

According to the president, the necessity of harmonisation is prompted by the needs of the Pridnestrovian economy. «If we make up our mind to expand our Eurasian economic ties, our tax system, for example, must basically correspond or be very similar to these traditional markets of raw materials and goods in order to be clear for investors," said Yevgeny Shevchuk.

The president added that the similarity of Pridnestrovian and Russian laws must help to attract investors, first of all from Russia.

The head of state also maintained that Pridnestrovie did not have the necessary number of research institutes that could take part in the law-making process and elaborate efficient laws; therefore, it was necessary to use the experience of Russia which has the corresponding scientific community.

The president underscored, in the meantime, there was a certain slowing down of the harmonisation process — the whole group of laws, drafted by analogy with Russian legislation, were not adopted despite the fact that they might have a positive effect on the country's economy.

«We should give additional impetus to speed up this work [on harmonisation], enhance the efficiency of this work, so the decree was aimed at improving the efficiency of all public authorities in order to comply with the people's will," said the president.


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