President holds meeting with government leadership and members

06/27/16 13:04

President holds meeting with government leadership and members

The meeting focused on issues related to the current execution of the republican budget as well as the next tranche of Russia’s financial assistance for paying pension bonuses in the second half of 2016

Tiraspol, 27 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Yevgeny Shevchuk held a meeting with the government's leadership and members, the president's press service reports. Issues related to the current execution of the republican budget were discussed during the meeting. Special attention was given to the budget revenues and expenditures. The ministers informed the president on the measures the government is continuing to apply to stabilise the economic situation. It refers, in particular, to providing state assistance to a number of Pridnestrovie's enterprises in the crisis economic circumstances.

Yevgeny Shevchuk was also briefed on progress in drafting a projection of the country's socio-economic development and the concept for budget and tax policy for 2017 and the medium term.

«These two documents will be soon considered at a government meeting. In 2017 the concept aims at drafting pilot projects for individual industrial enterprises, transport and construction companies, communication and agricultural firms to adopt a new tax system," said the first deputy prime minister, Alevtina Slinchenko. «In 2018 the concept provides for the adoption of a new tax system by big enterprises with the number of personnel exceeding 100 employees. We propose that since 2019 all enterprises adopt the classic tax system.»

The scheduled delivery of the next tranche of Russia's financial assistance for paying pension bonuses in the second half of 2016 was also discussed at the meeting. According to estimates by relevant ministries and agencies, the amount of bonuses will total 104 Pridnestrovian roubles.

Following the discussion of a wide spectrum of issues, the president gave a number of the corresponding instructions.


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